The financial changes of the last year have many of us looking at our clients, businesses and practices in new and entirely different ways.  We know there are silver linings, but where are they, and what do they look like?
      Warren Buffet has said:  "I will tell you how to become rich.   Be fearful when others are greedy.  Be greedy when others are fearful."
      This month, the East Side Business and Financial Forum will survey the major winds of change in the tax and financial marketplace and will look at some of the higher level strategies which are likely to become more frequently used in the years to come.  We will ask.......
• What planning doors might be closing?
• Why could now be one of the greatest planning environments in recent years?
• What is an "AFR" and why should I care?
• When is something intentionally defective.....GOOD?
• Why are there incredible opportunities for those considering charitable planning?
• How is the current environment affecting businesses and buy sell agreements?
• Why should I review my older insurance policies?
• What is the "Bank of Mom and Dad", why is it ready to lend, and how can I make any money using it?
•  How could a depressed real estate market be a blessing in disguise for a high net worth family transfer plan?

     Please join attorney and Comerica Vice President and Trusts and Estates advisor Jim Carolan, Comerica Insurance Services, Inc. Assistant Vice President and Regional Insurance Consultant Bob Guina and me on  February 27, 2009 for an exploration of The New Silver Lining: Estate Planning Opportunities in an Uncertain Environment.
     Our meeting will be a roundtable format, so you'll be asked to share your experiences of some positive strategy or development affecting you and the people you work with.